It consists of four modules: Assess, Guide, Intervention,and Track. The Brain Booster program uses the latest brain science technology,in conjunction with professional assessors and medical teams, to conduct comprehensive assessments to more accurately understand children's brain development levels and mental development patterns. In order to provide customized guidance plans and intervention strategies tailored to the different needs of children more accurately, and to track and adjust children for a long period of time, effectively promoting the establishment and growth of neural connections in the brain of infants and young children, and improving their intelligence, abilities, and social skills.
Through the BDQE-3.0 Brain Development and Development Quotient Evaluation System authorized by the CDBI Research Institute in the United States, we will conduct age-specific and hierarchical targeted tests for various age groups from 1 to 6 years old, which can detect children's performance in multiple aspects such as intelligence, language, perception, exercise, social interaction, emotions, and provide professional analysis reports
More accurate assessment of unconventional problems in children's brain development, providing in-depth cause analysis and data support,based on research results from American research institutes, using the most advanced and effective brain science technologies to assist in improving children's brain development and growth
In order to comply with international execution standards,the team of Gomega Brain Booster must have international practice certification qualifications, rich industry experience and knowledge background in order to develop a Brain Booster for parents.They will visually and clearly communicate the problem analysis report to parents and responsible persons, and provide detailed exception explanations and guidance
Our targeted solution can design a comprehensive periodic management plan that includes nutrition supplementation,external environmental guidance strategies,and training management based on the types of abnormalities that occur in different situations,the scores of supercritical data, and the differences in children's age,to ensure that children receive better intervention effects
82% of users in case validation will repeatedly choose our improvement plan for a long period of time. So far, we have successfully helped over 120000 children optimize their brain development, achieving significant improvements in language, intelligence, cognition, and focus
In summary, Brain Booster is a highly targeted and distinctive health service that helps infants and young children improve their intellectual and emotional abilities through the latest brain science technology, personalized interventions, professional team support, extensive data evidence, and safety reliability, becoming more socially and adaptable children